Saturday, October 5, 2024

The neverending story (1984) movie review

Starring …………….. Tami Stronach , Noah Hathaway and Barret Oliver

Director…………. Wolfgang Petersen


A trouble boy dives into a wondrous fantasy world though the pages of a mysterious book.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Back years ago I did this review but figure this classic needs a re review of a great 80’s movie called the Neverending story which is book as well so figure I will rewatch and see if I miss anything this is why I miss last week review because I needed a little more time to write this one so let great started on this great classic movie which I am watching years and years ago.

The movie starts with amazing intro with music and look to be a dream just amazing you don’t see that much for movie now do you then bastion wakes up it was indeed a dream nice one though for as bastian wakes up after that talks to father played Gerald McRaney who been in many roles they pick right guy for father role even though it was short role he was a great father figure character that for sure.

After that it goes too where he being bullying not cool in my view but this way story starts anyway I think I see kids in the goonies movie maybe? They put him in trash he gets out but they go after him and he hides in book store he meets a old man then see book the neverending ending story the old man tells him about the book how does he know about book being magic unsure maybe he has something to do with book or part of it maybe sort of mystery on who old guy was maybe 1 day when I read the real book it will tell me anyway kid takes the book some say he stole it but nope.

The book was so important he even skip class funny not one teacher notice or anyone see him go in closet or attic something anyway this where story starts with eerie creatures and even a big guy name rock man huge rock and other characters have a snail then we get name rock fighter does that means he fights rocks lol the other person is night hawk and they are talking about land disappearing bye main villain of movie the nothing weird villain but fun it pretty turns everything into nothing what cause is a ? Mark so the crew go on a little trip to see child Empress then they see her castle it is indeed beautiful indeed 80’s style made even the music in back ground made that look along with camera angles so good then after we meet atreyu a brave warrior he giving a powerful necklace as well so he must go on a quest to find out how to stop the nothing so where does he go well into swamp of sadness I hate this part of movie I don’t like the horse gives up and sadness swamp gets him but not atreyu he on his own he try to answers from another weird looking creature but he does say to travel a lot of miles you think there is quest will end and sadness of swamp almost got him lucky Falkor the luck dragon save him from eating bye wolf Falkor is best dragon in my view he one I would like have if you go on a quest he wakes up and makes a new friend along with other people as well the women voice sounds like the same actress who was In Willow I wonder hmm so old funny guy who fights with his wife funny how them 2 fight anyway it picks up as he must pass 2 gates to get too the gate that could help him out but he must be careful gate number 1 is smart and both can kill you fast he did make it he was lucky though.

Now on to magic mirror gate which is found out truth on who you like kind of evil that image of yourself shows up and your true Identity is this where it gets odd atreyu as he see bastion in mirror see Atreyu and him are same it does make sense because both share the same emotions as well like when it time to eat but eat at same time and when horse died both was sad so they are connect and this mirror shows truth on who you are it not as bad as old guy says so after see that Bastion flips out for a min but then goes back to story.

The last gate tell him the child like empire needs a new name but not bye him but by a human child hint hint guess that where I think I know where story going this movie has a good build up as well that how so where has atreyu landed where painting on walls show what he been though and then evil wolf is waiting just as killed the wolf the nothing is destroyed everything this was last one as well now there nothing left but ivory tower still stands there and once again some of best shots with camera indeed and soundtrack makes that special so child like empire and she said he not failed and he brought human child yep it was bastion so this was his story interesting so dreams he dream was from this book guess this was his story after all so only way to save them is giving her a new name and he does only them 2 are left but where heck are they look to be nothing anyway he can have any wish he wants now.

So what his first wish riding on luck dragon Falkor and also you see everybody back even horse see he not dead after all a happy ending for Fantasia anyway how did the movie end let say with a little revenge from start of movie that was funny just a great movie this was.

Well no doubt I love this movie it is one of best movies made based on book as well lots of fun good effects great acting this felt like it was real was not acting felt like it was in my view there still a lot of questions I have I do have the book now so maybe will find out there when I read it this movie came out when I was a kid back in days I still have vhs somewhere I think it is a fun movie to watch for years I been watching it and I was happy got to review this one again.

The neverending story (1984) rating 8/10

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Porky’s II: The Next Day (1983) movie review

Starring…………. Dan Monahan, Wyatt Knight and Roger Wilson

Director………. Bob Clark


The wild teens of Angel Beach High take revenge on religious KkK bigots who target their school play for casting an indigenous teen in a play

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Number 2 of the porky’s movies series didn’t know they had a number 2 so figure will review this but will this be better then first movie Is question so let’s see.

Movie starts off with a little highlight from number 1 and title of porky’s 2 after a nice intro goes to one of character trying to get morning wood funny way to start I was hoping the coach from first movie is back I mean they have to bring her back she was most funny character of first movie that I see that is for sure after watching for 15 mins does not look like they got her back for 2 here which is a shame so will be tough to move but let’s see how they do look like Charlie has his eyes on a new girl Kate her name is.

This might be tough to do what is storyline for part 2 because you don’t want to go same way as first one must have something different like make still funny after watching first 30 mins see some jokes that are funny some but not out of this world yet hopefully it will but there one moment where guy dress up as girl in a play look like that was little funny but silly this also seem to be water down as less crazy so far here less nudity it is feeling like a tv movie way it showing less nudity and sex jokes as well.

There is a weird part when they go to grave and odd stuff with women die think this was joke on pee wee think that what they call him think it was funny a little bit but silly but do think the guy dress up as dead is funny as well.

So how was the last 15 mins of movie go well ending with huge jokes at dinner party and stuff nothing too funny well sort of but not sure what heck they are doing though it was a ok ending for a alright movie.

There some funny spots but not as funny as first one was this was can of low on comedy some and little bit boring as well even if it try to be funny did some but not as in no way this near classic first movie in my view will say it was ok now there is a 3nd one which I may review sometime but not soon is all I got to say.

Porky’s II the next day (1983) rating 6/10

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) movie review

Starring……….. Chris Pratt, Anya Taylor Joy and Charlie Day

Director…………. Matthew Fogel


A plumber name Mario Travels though an underground Labyrinth with his brother Lugi, trying to save a captured princess.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

Well after see this have to say as fan of game have to say this was very well done and first was worried they would mess it but from start to finish it was great story was good on how they build brothers from losers to hero’s slowing it was great story also like how when they got Mario land and Lugi was lost Mario meet princess peach and ask for her help meeting at first was something but after talking her into she said she help then after that.

Comes training part where you had to master a maze of traps that was from the game like traps you go though was good princess nailed it at 100% at first almost like she know what she doing Mario took a little bit to get right but he got it after some try’s after that battle between home and Kong was good he use power up to beat as kong agrees to join them at first them two didn’t be friends unit the end though which was funny some as well.

Browser was sort of funny they made him a comedy character do I think that was little too much no problem Jack black did a good job as voiceover on as him cgi did look great lots of Easter eggs with them driving carts sort of reminds me of Mario cart game also like how roads was in sky it almost like video game fight at end there good battle with bowser there at end like how they beat him by grabbing magic power let say the ending was great in the end it was great.

After it was over I said wow what a movie it was one best super mario bros yet and you should see it if your Mario fan as well. That all for this Labor Day movie review I will have the neverending story movie review up Saturday so unit then have a good rest of your Labor Day.

Super Mario Bros. (2023) rating 7.5/10

Saturday, August 17, 2024

In time (2011) movie review

Starring……………….. Justin Timberlake , Amanda Seyfried and Cillian Murphy

Director………… Andrew Niccol who also write this movie.


In the future where people stop aging at 25, but are engineered to live only one more year, having the means to buy your way out of the situation is a shot at immortal youth. Will Salas is accused of murder and the run with a hostage.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

Never heard of this movie so will see if bad or good so let review start also movie stars Justin Timberlake as well that should be something to see movie starts off with his character mom who look young remember you only live unit your 25 they could least push up 60 or 65 for age that what I think so how do they know how much time they left well they have a countdown on there arm which is good for checking into places only 7 mins allready thinking this movie maybe weird I mean with the whole 25 age limit sounds silly but still might be good though also I worder how much you pay to buy more time to live that should be interesting what also he is framed for murder so he have to make a run for it as well later on mom time run and she dies at young at of well 25 so I wonder if this how he framed as well also I guess if you want kids have them at young 25 age is limit too after his mom death he will now be fighting against the rules.

So far 26 mins Am I finding this a little bit boring nothing happen yet but maybe story will get better and action will pick up some also a women with short hair has her on eye him well maybe she now be a important character to the movie.

Also again it is weird see everyone so very young having daughters and son but again age limit Is 25 so you have to pick the right time young age again the plot of this movie is very odd but will find interesting as well.

Interesting how life spare on this movie is going to by time you must hurry to boot time up on it if not and it runs to 0 your dead so race is on for Justin character to stay alive and Hide from the police who are looking for him.

So far just see that still slow after a hour and still some what boring a little bit acting is ok not best though there is one cool part where they drive truck though the bank of time and everyone gets a free life boost thanks too them .

They search for 1 million year life spare and find it now question is how will keep it safe from bad guys who also looking for it as well so they give huge life spare to everyone who needs it good move in the end the bad guy let say run of time it was close but lucky to get more time and it ending well ok ending where they are going after more big banks that could of lead to number 2 I think but this movie was not good enough for another one.

Well have to say needed more action the story was good start but as movie keep roll on it was a little weird too me as well otherwise the acting was ok with Justin and Amanda Seyfried yep that her in short hair hard to tell that her though characters ok but they needed a little more to make Justin a true hero did not see much of that so would I watch in time again maybe not too sure it was in the end will say ok also one more thing they could of least give us a nice fight then bad guy running out time fast that was letdown let’s say

In Time (2011) rating 5/10

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Pleasantville (1998) movie review

Starring…………….. Tobey Maguire, Jeff Daniels and Joan Allen

Director………….. Gary Ross


Two 1990s teenage siblings find themselves transported to a 1950s sitcom where their influence begins to profoundly change that colorless, complacent world.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Well after two teens fight over remote it broken then Don knotts show up nice to see him anyway he brings them a new one a magic remote with 1 press of button can take you anywhere so is he a wizard or something not sure any teens played by tobey maguire and Reese Witherspoon who was good in this playing there characters so after fighting again they somehow worder up in tv show Pleasantville seem like they are stuck as Don knotts get mad at them and leave them there for a little while so they are stuck in a tv show so things pick up as they start connecting with folks of Pleasantville like teaching them things from there world like cough sex which they never heard off how heck have you not figure that out I thought that odd so girl teaches them to make out and then they Slowy start changing color pretty much that whole film which I thought was good the ending did pick up as soon as people got mad about changing to full color but a nice speech changing there views so now do they get back only teen boy gets back as teen girl stays there as soon he gets back he has a nice talk with there mom and what odd she did not ask where his sister at could of least added that but it ending let say a colorful way and ok as well.

Well have to say not a bad movie not best movie the acting was great will say but story was ok little weird but in the end still liked this would I watch this again probably anyway happy cornfest another one here in my hometown and figure to release this early for today so have a great day and rest of your weekend.

Pleasantville (1998) rating 7.5 out of 10

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

You’ve Got Mail (1998) movie review

Starring…………… Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan and Greg Kinnear

Director………… Nora Ephron

Book superstore magnate Joe Fox and Independent book shop owner Kathleen Kelly fall in love the anonymity of the internet, both blissfully unaware that he’s trying to put her out of business.

Warning spoilers ahead.

My review

Starring…………… Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan and Greg Kinnear

Director………… Nora Ephron


Book superstore magnate Joe Fox and Independent book shop owner Kathleen Kelly fall in love the anonymity of the internet, both blissfully unaware that he’s trying to put her out of business.

Warning spoilers ahead.

My review

I figured I do this one for review on my birthday was going to review new Ghostbusters but needed a little more time on that so going with this a Tom hanks and Meg Ryan classic not sure if I see this or not but anyway see it so here is my review you’ve got mail from 1998.

So how does this movie start with computer stuff with title you got mail pretty cool intro there it like a model of city in computer cgi stuff then it goes from that to real life intro is little bit long but not too bad as well then we see Meg Ryan her character name is Kathleen and look like she talking to a guy on computer this was 90’s so internet was aol man or man how internet has changed so pretty much start off two people sending mail too each other day here the catch both live in same city as well so opening so them walking by each other tom hanks character name is Joe so Joe and Kathleen she works at store as Joe works for a head of company who own by his father.

They both seem fun people as Joe is good with kids and Kathleen is good with kids as well telling story to them in book store Joe and kids go in so is this where they will meet for first little did they know they are sending mail too each other yep they do meet now question when do they start falling in love but there maybe trouble ahead as another book store is opening and guess who works for that store Joe and this book store is biggest as well so before they fall in love they may feud with each other.

The book store is taking her down a lot so Joe Is trying to help her by chating with her online this is good movie on so far 45 mins in so far. Not have fall in love in fact she attacking Joe now well joe did her to do it so blame on him funny wait unit them two find out truth well they made a date on too meet and Joe finds out it Kathleen first so how do things go he does go in well things don’t go too well at all between them at all she still does not know he the guy yet and thinks guy she was meeting did not show boy she will be in for a huge surprise lol.

Her friends think he a killer in newspaper that odd no way she bye that at all so after there fight Joe is not sending her anything he mad 😠 at her he needs to get over it and tell her truth but he makes up story at first try too send it but could not pretty much so far they are doing a good job building up this one Tom hanks and Meg Ryan acting been great in this one as well great acting.

Joe gets stuck in elevator for a while after that goes to book store of Kathleen is closing which is sad look like Joe win but later on after a talk with his father he felt sorry so he goes to visit her they talk and he says words from mail I think she slowing figure out but she still does not know come on it is Joe still they doing a good job on building up just as thought big reveal comes at the end because there only ten mins left so he set up a date to meet her on Saturday so she goes to meet and well she figure out it was Joe as movie ends with song over the rainbow not sing by judy but still a nice version of it and it ends with them kissing a beautiful ending to a great movie.

Very good the acting and story was great tom hanks and Meg Ryan performance in this one was great best moment was at the end building up was great to the ending a good romantic movie this proves that two people can fall in love just by e-mail as well that it my for this birthday movie thanks for all birthdays wishes on SoCal media so far birthday going well and was happy to review this one on my birthday thanks again and have a good night.

You’ve got mail rating 7.5/10

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Dr. Otto and the Riddle of the Gloom Beam (1985) movie review

Starring……….. Jim Varney , Glen Petach

Director…………. John Cherry III


Dr. Otto grows a hand of top of his head and tries to destroy the world.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Taking a look Ernest first movie or Jim varney this first of Ernest movies series by the way Ernest only appears for 2 mins in which is odd no that not all time jim is in he plays other character including an odd character, Dr. gloom in my a man with hand in back of his head trying to kill the world mistake it Dr. Otto character who mess with people life so he is a god or something not also this movie is weird because it goes to different characters of who jim playing would of been nice to just play a few but I see many movies of Jim he does this good so this start of many movies he does so is this how Ernest comes about as Dr Otto turns into and this how series start that what I was thinking maybe would be a odd way to start off Ernest character though.

After watching this 30 mins not sure where heck it going because again to hop Jim as many characters if you like him in many roles then this movie for that for sure will say his costumes is kind of wacko for his Dr Otto look too me and little weird too me because I see many of Jim movies and never see him as bad guy before that for sure.

So I was worder how will his first movie ending my guess was probably a not good ending or weird ending so does Dr. Otto win or no well still does many characters like to know names his play but so many don’t have time to list him so Dr. Otto seems to be after 2 people here at end again plot of this movie was written odd so never know which this goes at the end well 2 people show up at Dr. Otto house so will final 10 mins end up being a battle or not well he turns into many characters then fights they end up trying to get rid of machine to see if that weaks him or not well Lance press the right button pretty much destroyed Dr. Otto place go up in flames so is that end will Ernest snow up at the end? Yeah, it’s only for two minutes this time but turns out to be a little twist maybe that how it started not sure it ends with him saying know what I mean.

Well I see many of movies have to say this one could have been better would have like to see more then 2 mins of Ernest if this was his first movie what a odd one it was funny some but plot was odd will say it ok movie but bad as well some not all of but some was bad as well just think this was start of many funny movies as well think after this years later came Ernest goes to camp one of his best films yet never thought see him in his first movie he would play bad guy and lots of roles as well it was ok but he could of least trim it down a little on that only problem I had with this one and better plot as well.

Well that it for this weekend review see next Saturday for next one.

Dr. Otto and the riddle of Gloom Bleam (1985) rating 6/10

Batman 1989 movie review

Last Week I Said I would pick this week movie review it was a battle between flubber and Batman 1989 watched both movie and went with Batman...