Friday, September 14, 2018

Lady In White (1988) Movie review

well it's never too early to start review Horror movies so started now unit after Halloween I will be once again review movies that could Scare me or not so will this one scare me or not find out as this week movie Review is Lady in White from 1988.

Rated PG-13

Locked in the Cloakroom after school as a Halloween Prank, Frankie meets the ghost of a young Neighborhood. who has been found Strangled to death 10 years before. Frankie soon learns that nine other children have been killed in years since, and with the spectral help of Melissa and her mother, a grieving apparition known as lady in white he attempts to discover the murderer before he becomes his latest victim.

Lukas Haas as Frankie Scarlatti
Len Carlou as Phil Terragaossa
Alex Rocco as Angelo Al Scarlatti
Katherine Helmond as Amanda
Jason Presson as Geno Scarlatti

Movie review
a Very Scary movie this is  but that What I liked about it was creepy even though did not like bullying much they were indeed mean to that kid lock him in closet for hours but then when he see a girl who dead and is a ghost he see also how she died and then someone try to kill him but who was the ? and was he the same guy who killed her and other kids and could Frankie be next they pretty much give you hints to who it was whole ghost story roll this why this was a great movie it had a one heck of twist who killer was even I didn't think that man would be the killer this movie in my view is one of best Horror movies for 80's of all time ghosts and everything scare me when I first see this and now years later it still does also like how boy try to help the girl find her mom as well that was great story as well from start to the end this was a movie I like called the lady in White.

scary or not
pretty much scary looking ghosts enough to knock your socks off for this one this also fits Halloween time movie that should watch everything about this one is scary also  Katherine Helmond scare me a little as creepy grandmama of little girl who died.

love the music in this one fits the movie very well in my view.

classic 80's horror
think pretty much from what I see earn the classic 80's horror movie award from me great movie to watch over and over again if you like to be scared.

no problem with acting in this one everybody did a great job in this one in my view.

Final thoughts
a very good Ghost movie in my view from 80's plot and everything was great about this let hope this never gets remake at all because we don't need one also ghosts did indeed look great as well so if you like Ghost movies watch the Lady in white because it A great 80's movie.

Lady In White (1988 rating
8.6 out of 10 for great

Lady In White (1988 trailer

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