Saturday, June 29, 2024

Black Adam (2022) movie review

Starring ………..Dwayne Johnson, Aldis Hodge and Pierce Brosnan

Director……………. Jaume Collet - Serra


After 5,000 years in prison, Black Adam is free- however, a team known as Justice Society looks to return him to eternal captivity.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

Time for another new one a movie starring the rock aka Dwayne Johnson this week review is called Black Adam from 2022.

Movie starts off in year 2600 telling story of evil crown not a bad start because I have not one clue what this movie will be like all I know is a familer face is in it I think though young boy at that start is character black Adam seem to be powerful now they hop to future after story of black Adam now a group maybe looking for that crown why my guess probably will make rich or is from one of group past not sure yet if Dwayne is playing a good guy or bad guy guess I found out her in a bit.

She finds the crown but might too late bad guys was there as a attack then she unleash him yep black Adam look to be very powerful as well what a opening there good effects look like he a god type character with them powers lots of kick ass to start it can of look like as well he is a good guy he did save them from missile from bad guys but they may think he too powerful to be free in this world so they may have to find Justice society and they show them show up.

Meanwhile black Adam wakes up in a house where he has no memory where heck he is he meets woman that awake him and said I have no business being here so he leaves crash though walls least he could use door but he from past where they did not use door much lol.

Back to Justice society where they planning on finding black Adam then hawkman is showing then dr fate is shown as well they should not be fighting against each other but they think he a big threat so let them fight I guess but good luck he more powerful then Justice Society they do throw everything at him when heck of a battle that was pretty good action in this one for now black Adam is gone for now but later the one free him try to tell him he is a hero but he thinks not so Justice society try to talk to him they sort of get along a little but still lots to iron out.

Well almost a hour In and a hour left of movie have to say good action fights scenes so far acting is pretty so far surprised to see pierce Brosnan in this one as dr fate very cool so far he fits role very good and Dwayne so far has been good as black Adam character as well so pretty good on acting and effects story is ok little confused if they after black Adam or keeping crown Again think it crown that they need keep out of bad guy hands.

Then he become a ugly god so now he will be tough to stop justice society try to stop him but dr fate may of got his view of future so he leaves his friends behind and go after demon his self he then awakes black Adam he the only man powerful enough to face this Demon dr fate lost his life but black Adam did show up so final fight will be black Adam vs demon.

Was not a bad fight they used an old trick from dr fate to beat demon at the end good move after that it ending with black Adam accept he is a hero after that went to credits but there a huge bonus credit at the end while this could be great not sure if it lead anywhere though that would be one heck of a team up or battle very interesting is what I say.

As for the movie was not best but it was good Dwayne did a good job in super hero role and effects of fighting was good for battle lots of action as well acting was good as so did I like this one yes it was very good to watch another one of Dwayne movies I have not see many of his movies so was happy to review this one as well so in the end black Adam was a great movie well that it for this review have a great rest of your weekend.

Black Adam (2022) rating 7/10

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The ruby ring (1997) Movie Review

Starring………. Emily Hamilton, Emma Cunniffle, Patricia Ross

Director………… Harley Cokeliss


Young Lucy McLaughlin’s father had lost his job and to help make ends meet she is sent to live with grandmother. To help her get over loss, the old lady gives Lucy a magic ring which grant her two wishes

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Before I start this is tv movie and is not on dvd as well so it was not in theaters where did air not sure because it was made in 1997 so will be checking it out to see if this was a classic or not it list under Tubi classics movies.

Movie start off with a teen character name Lucy who not happy with way things are going with her life so on her birthday her grandma gives her a ring ruby that can give you 2 wishes so she wishes for a better life well she got her wish as she is send back in time and Is put in castle as what they think is a maid so her wish came too but not life she wanted dress up working in castle as maid and what worst she lost ring so she if she wants to get back in her time she must find the ring and time not on her side she only has 24 hours to wish to go home or else wish will stuck forever and she trapped in time.

The plot of story is pretty much her trying to find the ring that silp off her finger in castle when she arrive in that time and castle arrive she does find the ring but others do as well thinking she steal it so they keep it away from here and well be rude to her now she must find a way to get though that and get ring back before thieves do little be chessy but acting did hold up some as well in this and sort of adventure movie as well with race again time to get back ruby ring that gives you wishes what kind of wishes maybe money would it turn you evil if you wish’s for it maybe but right now it look like it send you too anytime you want with that 1 catch as well.

Also there is some romance as well she does fall in love with a guy though sort of know they throw that in but that ok because would be interesting to see how that plays out though if he buys her story or not she try to tell anyone but no one believes it unit close to end though and helps her out.

So was there anything mind blowing at end any well after returning she goes to visit castle and finds a painting that look like her and she meets what May of been great grandson of guy she fall in love with after that not much with just a walk to castle with sun set at end not a bad ending but would of like something more there.

As for movie it was good did like it acting was pretty good story a little bit chessy but that ok should of added that one of person that she work with was a family member or something that would of been cool but ending on who lived in castle in her time was ok maybe she fall in love him they did not say pretty much that hint there at end though not a bad way to end it. So is the Ruby Ring worth your time to watch yes I would right now it on YouTube. Tubi so you have many chances to see if you like there a little bit of drama in it but not bad as well.

That it for this weekend review see you next Saturday for next review.

The Ruby Ring (1997) rating 7/10

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Teen witch (1989) movie re- review

Starring………… Robyn Lively, Dan Gauthier and Joshua John miller

Director……….. Dorian Walker


High school misfit Louise, at a loss for romance, discovers magical abilities, but teenage witch finds that she can’t conjure herself true love , so what?

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Doing a re- review from 2013 I did for teen witch and see if I can find anything more good but trust me will not be easy that for sure.

This silly movie starts with a dream moment between Louise dream about hot guy name Brad I think character if I remember right this drag on for about almost 4 mins wow what a long dream but then she wakes up and her brother eating chocolate under bed what point of that not sure so allready 5 mins still haven’t found anything new that I miss yet that is not a bad start just when you thought it a dream Brad is real the boy in her dreams.

Well looking into this movie she is Bully a little her teacher is total jacksss then it goes to a silly song where girls sing I like boys it is a bad song with bad singing as well this drag on for bit unit coach stops them thank god enough of that my head hurts a little after that.

Then movie drags again with Louise drools if you like him then just go tell him then having put us though this in first 15 mins of movie well then she almost gets run over by Brad at night yes this movie has odd times school is in daytime and her riding home in dark did she got lost unfortunately they never told us can off odd though.

She goes to a psychic who said she get powers on her 16th birthday after that it goes to teacher teaching them about sex ok that pointless as well.

Then later she finds necklace that could start her magic powers popular girls invite her to hang out with them yeah right they hook her up with one of girls cousin who is a goofball then whole at dance she wishes Brad will talk to her and it happens for a few mins.

1 hour left and I have found much new that I miss still the same same will say effects are ok but it just plot is still silly effects are sort of cool will say a little bit.

1 half was not bad and just when it was started to get good with her powers this was start of downfall this where drama with Brad starts where she try and try to put love spell on Brad it did not work but before that she gives teacher a little revenge it was funny then mom found the doll and put in wash machine while he goes though car wash lol that was funny and can of pointless as well.

Top that rap was kind of silly as well but least she help out her friend as well after that this where the movie got more and more silly too me she now what a spell to be popular so she must get a jacket of her favorite sing Shana but will it work or not is question she does get by security and Shana gives her Jacket and after that this where start to get silly to me after this moment.

Remember in 2013 review when I review this said this movie put me to sleep this where it start after she become popular and turn on her friend as well Brad drama pick up again after a little kissing for 3 mins after that she starts to question about spells.

Pretty much the whole film from there is her drag herself down she lose a friend as well which is sad her become popular maybe she getting way to much and is become way over too much though.

It did as now she question herself was doing spells worth this pretty much the final 10 mins they could of least give it a short time and put things back to normal and big problem is same thing I say when I review this movie in 2013.

The ending is not bad but things that didn’t make sense at all she never made up with her friend and did she stop magic for good they did not tell us and just ending it like least they happy I guess but would of like a little bit more I feel bad for her friend though.

After rewatch what again is my final take well first half was good with her finding her powers but was she a witch or not they could of least say if this run in family like if her mom was same as her that would of been great story telling  pretty much it was her Brad story which is ok this was 80’s where teen movies like though so in end will say it was not worst I see but will up from ok movie to good so will rating will go up or not is ?

Teen witch (1989) 6/10

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Johanna Enlists(restored Edtion (1918) movie review

Starring ……………… Mary Pickford, Dougles MacKearn and Monte Blue

Director…………… William Desmond Taylor


Living a quiet life on isolated farm with family, Johanna’’s dreams of romance come true when an entire army regiment arrives on her doorstep.

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Figure this week review will be on Mary PickFord movies from back in 1900’s silent films she done a lot so going to take a look of her next film her called Johnna Enlists that is restored so here is my review below.

Movie starts off with a little note about missing parts of film so that why it is only 1 hour 5 mins it happens with old films like this they are lucky to even find this rare footage.

Before I get started I am watching this on Tubi so for anyone want to check it out it is on there Tubi has some of her films not all but a good fair amount they are indeed worth checking out even though some has chessy music.

First 5 mins so how great she was at acting her character is about a quiet women who looking for romance but stuck with children you can tell she wants to get out of this pickle and find someone who will take her in Mary Pickford is very good at romance roles then army come and use her land they payed the family Joanna offers one of them to stay in bed whole she sleeps in a basket isn’t that a little un comfortable hmm not to her I guess also do note there are some still photos to fill in do missing footage this starts to happen at 30 min mark does not bug me at all still amazing they found that being over 100 year movie then at 30 min mark footage returns that good news for now.

Johnna still try to find romance with someone still think she has a eye on one guy but he not into her yet there was a odd moment where she taking a bath and one of guy almost walks in on her good thing she cover up there funny moment I wonder which one she ends up with they all seem to like her and can’t force on anything so they have a meeting to see which one she ends up with the big ending is coming up or else probably end in heartbreak it does end up with 2 guys fighting over her no choice is made yet as they are order to move on now to Germany as movie ends with Mary in her outfit nice tribute there and great ending to a movie.

A very good film from Mary Pickford films as well great story as well for a movie that came out in 1918 as well should review more of her movies sometime soon well that it for this weekend review have a good rest of your weekend.

Johanna Enlists (1918) rating 7/10

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Beauty and The Beast (1991) movie review

Starring……………. Paige O’ Hara , Robby Benson and Jesse Corti

Directors ………… Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise


A prince is cursed to spend his days as a hideous monster sets out to regain his humanity by earning a young women’s love.

Spoilers ahead warning

My Review

That right another week and another classic movie I am looking forward to review this Saturday I see this in theaters back when I was kid and have see this version for years hopefully this was not disturbing parts are in as Alice in wonderland did so here the review of beauty and the beast.

Movie starts off with a nice view of castle and and story being told this how prince become the beast it was good start now he find the true love to be human again before rose falls or else is doom then it goes to belle again forgot this was musical well have not see this one singing goes on for a few mins or 3 but it pretty good if you want a calm way to start out of classic once she meet beast I am sure it will get dark but anyway prince wants to make Belle his wife not sure if she wants him lol at all he is goofing after that we meet her dad who is scientist after that he takes off to fair but takes a wrong turn and winds up lost look like he lost well he winds up in dark castle and run into beast and is cage after that prince next step to try to get his love is set up a wedding only problem is she said no funny part he get throw in mud after that she see her father horse then she goes to that dark castle trade places with her father now this where story starts as they start off rough he gets mad after she does not want to join him for dinner and he say she only eats when he he does but later Mrs Potts who is voiceover by great Angela Lansbury rest in peace by the way she is wonderful in this movie she does Mrs Potts great in this one as they say song be our guest great classic song too but they better be careful if beast finds out he will be mad Belle goes to check out west wing which is she was told not to go she gets caught and well gets yelled at by beast another fight this time cause her to leave then she attacks by wolfs guess he came in and help her beast he saves her but he got hurt but she did say thank you and he said welcome after that prince is still thinking he married belle dude give up you big goofball.

After that he say her the a huge library of books so he being nice to her for now things are going ok between them for now dance part was very well done as well very beautiful Mrs Potts singing in background but then after see her father in mirror he look sick so beast let her go can of sad for beast though but as soon as she got home the big goofball Gaston still trying to get her he is creepy dude that Gaston the bad news is now Gaston see the beast and goes after him so everyone goes to castle this going to be a big battle here at as it Gaston vs beast here as he try to kill him one heck of fight here man so rude in the end battle Gaston fall to his death he deserves it but he stab him before falling they made it look like all hope was lost she said she loves him and well spell was broken as everyone went back to normal everyone turn human so how does movie end with a dance nice ending to a beautiful classic movie.

Once you watch classic movies they go bye and it was great one as hats off to everyone for the voiceovers only character I did not like was Gaston he was big goofball way too much into Belle there he was also mean happy he got that ending he was nuts and it was great transformation at the end as well great movie I am happy got to re watch and review it best character to me was Mrs Potts she was nice person or tea pot you ever see great character and great family film this is as well so many grow up see this as well something to you could watch for a family night movie indeed nothing disturbing well let say Gaston was a disturbing one because he was way into Belle much but that it nothing bad though about this one.

Well now it back to drawing board on finding next one to review sure I will come up with something to review so unit then have a great rest of your weekend.

Beauty and the beast 1991 rating 8.5/10

Batman 1989 movie review

Last Week I Said I would pick this week movie review it was a battle between flubber and Batman 1989 watched both movie and went with Batman...