Saturday, June 15, 2024

Teen witch (1989) movie re- review

Starring………… Robyn Lively, Dan Gauthier and Joshua John miller

Director……….. Dorian Walker


High school misfit Louise, at a loss for romance, discovers magical abilities, but teenage witch finds that she can’t conjure herself true love , so what?

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Doing a re- review from 2013 I did for teen witch and see if I can find anything more good but trust me will not be easy that for sure.

This silly movie starts with a dream moment between Louise dream about hot guy name Brad I think character if I remember right this drag on for about almost 4 mins wow what a long dream but then she wakes up and her brother eating chocolate under bed what point of that not sure so allready 5 mins still haven’t found anything new that I miss yet that is not a bad start just when you thought it a dream Brad is real the boy in her dreams.

Well looking into this movie she is Bully a little her teacher is total jacksss then it goes to a silly song where girls sing I like boys it is a bad song with bad singing as well this drag on for bit unit coach stops them thank god enough of that my head hurts a little after that.

Then movie drags again with Louise drools if you like him then just go tell him then having put us though this in first 15 mins of movie well then she almost gets run over by Brad at night yes this movie has odd times school is in daytime and her riding home in dark did she got lost unfortunately they never told us can off odd though.

She goes to a psychic who said she get powers on her 16th birthday after that it goes to teacher teaching them about sex ok that pointless as well.

Then later she finds necklace that could start her magic powers popular girls invite her to hang out with them yeah right they hook her up with one of girls cousin who is a goofball then whole at dance she wishes Brad will talk to her and it happens for a few mins.

1 hour left and I have found much new that I miss still the same same will say effects are ok but it just plot is still silly effects are sort of cool will say a little bit.

1 half was not bad and just when it was started to get good with her powers this was start of downfall this where drama with Brad starts where she try and try to put love spell on Brad it did not work but before that she gives teacher a little revenge it was funny then mom found the doll and put in wash machine while he goes though car wash lol that was funny and can of pointless as well.

Top that rap was kind of silly as well but least she help out her friend as well after that this where the movie got more and more silly too me she now what a spell to be popular so she must get a jacket of her favorite sing Shana but will it work or not is question she does get by security and Shana gives her Jacket and after that this where start to get silly to me after this moment.

Remember in 2013 review when I review this said this movie put me to sleep this where it start after she become popular and turn on her friend as well Brad drama pick up again after a little kissing for 3 mins after that she starts to question about spells.

Pretty much the whole film from there is her drag herself down she lose a friend as well which is sad her become popular maybe she getting way to much and is become way over too much though.

It did as now she question herself was doing spells worth this pretty much the final 10 mins they could of least give it a short time and put things back to normal and big problem is same thing I say when I review this movie in 2013.

The ending is not bad but things that didn’t make sense at all she never made up with her friend and did she stop magic for good they did not tell us and just ending it like least they happy I guess but would of like a little bit more I feel bad for her friend though.

After rewatch what again is my final take well first half was good with her finding her powers but was she a witch or not they could of least say if this run in family like if her mom was same as her that would of been great story telling  pretty much it was her Brad story which is ok this was 80’s where teen movies like though so in end will say it was not worst I see but will up from ok movie to good so will rating will go up or not is ?

Teen witch (1989) 6/10

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