Saturday, June 22, 2024

The ruby ring (1997) Movie Review

Starring………. Emily Hamilton, Emma Cunniffle, Patricia Ross

Director………… Harley Cokeliss


Young Lucy McLaughlin’s father had lost his job and to help make ends meet she is sent to live with grandmother. To help her get over loss, the old lady gives Lucy a magic ring which grant her two wishes

Spoilers ahead warning

My review

Before I start this is tv movie and is not on dvd as well so it was not in theaters where did air not sure because it was made in 1997 so will be checking it out to see if this was a classic or not it list under Tubi classics movies.

Movie start off with a teen character name Lucy who not happy with way things are going with her life so on her birthday her grandma gives her a ring ruby that can give you 2 wishes so she wishes for a better life well she got her wish as she is send back in time and Is put in castle as what they think is a maid so her wish came too but not life she wanted dress up working in castle as maid and what worst she lost ring so she if she wants to get back in her time she must find the ring and time not on her side she only has 24 hours to wish to go home or else wish will stuck forever and she trapped in time.

The plot of story is pretty much her trying to find the ring that silp off her finger in castle when she arrive in that time and castle arrive she does find the ring but others do as well thinking she steal it so they keep it away from here and well be rude to her now she must find a way to get though that and get ring back before thieves do little be chessy but acting did hold up some as well in this and sort of adventure movie as well with race again time to get back ruby ring that gives you wishes what kind of wishes maybe money would it turn you evil if you wish’s for it maybe but right now it look like it send you too anytime you want with that 1 catch as well.

Also there is some romance as well she does fall in love with a guy though sort of know they throw that in but that ok because would be interesting to see how that plays out though if he buys her story or not she try to tell anyone but no one believes it unit close to end though and helps her out.

So was there anything mind blowing at end any well after returning she goes to visit castle and finds a painting that look like her and she meets what May of been great grandson of guy she fall in love with after that not much with just a walk to castle with sun set at end not a bad ending but would of like something more there.

As for movie it was good did like it acting was pretty good story a little bit chessy but that ok should of added that one of person that she work with was a family member or something that would of been cool but ending on who lived in castle in her time was ok maybe she fall in love him they did not say pretty much that hint there at end though not a bad way to end it. So is the Ruby Ring worth your time to watch yes I would right now it on YouTube. Tubi so you have many chances to see if you like there a little bit of drama in it but not bad as well.

That it for this weekend review see you next Saturday for next review.

The Ruby Ring (1997) rating 7/10

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