Sunday, August 7, 2022

Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors (1965) Movie Review

 Starring………….. Peter Cushing , Neil Mcallum and. Ursula Howells

Director………. Freddie Francis


Five Passengers aboard a British train receive readings from a fortune teller, which predict the gruesome directions their lives will take.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Another week and movie Review for Horror movies so let see if I like or not this one from 1965.

This one is about five passengers on a tree who receives readings from a Fortune teller who seems creepy a little that there makes me think he something else then just a fortune teller and with cards put a deadly cure on all five of them or maybe he can see what there futures hold.

This is what interesting about plot your not knowing first guy story was going to house with a dark secret about the house and then in basement a waits a werewolf later then we find out who lady indeed is very creepy after that back to the train that what guy Predicted later on will happen but will it have to wait and see.

Now on to 2nd guy somehow plants are attack they even kill a dog which is odd sort of like attack of plants who later on trap them in house in a Odd way killer but as it was getting good back to the train so is stories of faction not sure.

3nd guy story will say gets creepy some I will say each predict does get more scary think this one has something to do with Voodoo curse or magic he may of curse for stealing words from a Ancient god or something he does take the warns and later it comes back to backfired or does it well that one was not too scary creepy as well back to the train they go.

I have a feeling all this predict will make Sense at the end hope so or else it will be a letdown is what I thinking anyway it is 4 guy turn so what his future he has something to do with paintings 🖼 my guess it is cure one guy lost his hand ouch in a car wreak and later hand attacks Peter sort of hand from Addams family

remind me of lol look out hand coming for you he does burn it but it keep coming back so he throw in river inside a box but again just as it getting good cut back to train.

Down to last one 5th and final one turn where I think he just brought a house for him and his wife or they just got married when he cuts himself her look like a vampire look see it before many times would be more scary if she turns into a bat I think so because when bat flys though window she by the window saying she cut her hand so that there give me a hint she is a vampire.but in the end of that story there was a twist that was a little creepy back to the train .

So was all this a game well guy hand 🤚 out cards just Disappeared and they land my guess in hell or somewhere they were dead what a odd ending for this movie.

Have to say not bad stories lead up to that odd ending I know it would end in a twist or a Strange ending which I have no clue how it will go at all my guess this was train ride to there deaths will say story was confusing some but will say good acting from Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing as Dr. Terror in this one but I do wish for a better ending and what was next guess it ended up where they won’t have to go though stories and this was only way from it not happen not but odd writing will say this film is indeed worth checking out it was scary some but not a lot Is all I have left to say.

I give Dr. Terror’s House of horror (1965) a rating of 6.5/10 for good.

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