Tuesday, July 30, 2024

You’ve Got Mail (1998) movie review

Starring…………… Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan and Greg Kinnear

Director………… Nora Ephron

Book superstore magnate Joe Fox and Independent book shop owner Kathleen Kelly fall in love the anonymity of the internet, both blissfully unaware that he’s trying to put her out of business.

Warning spoilers ahead.

My review

Starring…………… Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan and Greg Kinnear

Director………… Nora Ephron


Book superstore magnate Joe Fox and Independent book shop owner Kathleen Kelly fall in love the anonymity of the internet, both blissfully unaware that he’s trying to put her out of business.

Warning spoilers ahead.

My review

I figured I do this one for review on my birthday was going to review new Ghostbusters but needed a little more time on that so going with this a Tom hanks and Meg Ryan classic not sure if I see this or not but anyway see it so here is my review you’ve got mail from 1998.

So how does this movie start with computer stuff with title you got mail pretty cool intro there it like a model of city in computer cgi stuff then it goes from that to real life intro is little bit long but not too bad as well then we see Meg Ryan her character name is Kathleen and look like she talking to a guy on computer this was 90’s so internet was aol man or man how internet has changed so pretty much start off two people sending mail too each other day here the catch both live in same city as well so opening so them walking by each other tom hanks character name is Joe so Joe and Kathleen she works at store as Joe works for a head of company who own by his father.

They both seem fun people as Joe is good with kids and Kathleen is good with kids as well telling story to them in book store Joe and kids go in so is this where they will meet for first little did they know they are sending mail too each other yep they do meet now question when do they start falling in love but there maybe trouble ahead as another book store is opening and guess who works for that store Joe and this book store is biggest as well so before they fall in love they may feud with each other.

The book store is taking her down a lot so Joe Is trying to help her by chating with her online this is good movie on so far 45 mins in so far. Not have fall in love in fact she attacking Joe now well joe did her to do it so blame on him funny wait unit them two find out truth well they made a date on too meet and Joe finds out it Kathleen first so how do things go he does go in well things don’t go too well at all between them at all she still does not know he the guy yet and thinks guy she was meeting did not show boy she will be in for a huge surprise lol.

Her friends think he a killer in newspaper that odd no way she bye that at all so after there fight Joe is not sending her anything he mad 😠 at her he needs to get over it and tell her truth but he makes up story at first try too send it but could not pretty much so far they are doing a good job building up this one Tom hanks and Meg Ryan acting been great in this one as well great acting.

Joe gets stuck in elevator for a while after that goes to book store of Kathleen is closing which is sad look like Joe win but later on after a talk with his father he felt sorry so he goes to visit her they talk and he says words from mail I think she slowing figure out but she still does not know come on it is Joe still they doing a good job on building up just as thought big reveal comes at the end because there only ten mins left so he set up a date to meet her on Saturday so she goes to meet and well she figure out it was Joe as movie ends with song over the rainbow not sing by judy but still a nice version of it and it ends with them kissing a beautiful ending to a great movie.

Very good the acting and story was great tom hanks and Meg Ryan performance in this one was great best moment was at the end building up was great to the ending a good romantic movie this proves that two people can fall in love just by e-mail as well that it my for this birthday movie thanks for all birthdays wishes on SoCal media so far birthday going well and was happy to review this one on my birthday thanks again and have a good night.

You’ve got mail rating 7.5/10

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Dr. Otto and the Riddle of the Gloom Beam (1985) movie review

Starring……….. Jim Varney , Glen Petach

Director…………. John Cherry III


Dr. Otto grows a hand of top of his head and tries to destroy the world.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

Taking a look Ernest first movie or Jim varney this first of Ernest movies series by the way Ernest only appears for 2 mins in which is odd no that not all time jim is in he plays other character including an odd character, Dr. gloom in my a man with hand in back of his head trying to kill the world mistake it Dr. Otto character who mess with people life so he is a god or something not also this movie is weird because it goes to different characters of who jim playing would of been nice to just play a few but I see many movies of Jim he does this good so this start of many movies he does so is this how Ernest comes about as Dr Otto turns into and this how series start that what I was thinking maybe would be a odd way to start off Ernest character though.

After watching this 30 mins not sure where heck it going because again to hop Jim as many characters if you like him in many roles then this movie for that for sure will say his costumes is kind of wacko for his Dr Otto look too me and little weird too me because I see many of Jim movies and never see him as bad guy before that for sure.

So I was worder how will his first movie ending my guess was probably a not good ending or weird ending so does Dr. Otto win or no well still does many characters like to know names his play but so many don’t have time to list him so Dr. Otto seems to be after 2 people here at end again plot of this movie was written odd so never know which this goes at the end well 2 people show up at Dr. Otto house so will final 10 mins end up being a battle or not well he turns into many characters then fights they end up trying to get rid of machine to see if that weaks him or not well Lance press the right button pretty much destroyed Dr. Otto place go up in flames so is that end will Ernest snow up at the end? Yeah, it’s only for two minutes this time but turns out to be a little twist maybe that how it started not sure it ends with him saying know what I mean.

Well I see many of movies have to say this one could have been better would have like to see more then 2 mins of Ernest if this was his first movie what a odd one it was funny some but plot was odd will say it ok movie but bad as well some not all of but some was bad as well just think this was start of many funny movies as well think after this years later came Ernest goes to camp one of his best films yet never thought see him in his first movie he would play bad guy and lots of roles as well it was ok but he could of least trim it down a little on that only problem I had with this one and better plot as well.

Well that it for this weekend review see next Saturday for next one.

Dr. Otto and the riddle of Gloom Bleam (1985) rating 6/10

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Starstuck (1982) movie review

Starring…………… Joey Kennedy , Ross O’Donovan and Margo Lee

Directed by………….. Gillian Armstrong


A teenage girl, with dreams are becoming a famous singer tries to secure a a spot on the local TV talent show..

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

After watching this have to say it not a bad movie with lots of color hair that 80’s for you indeed that for sure story is about a teenage girl try to be famous after watching first 10 mins it pretty much is a story also I think this was filmed in Australia back in the 80s. I can tell it sounds like an Australian movie like type which Is not bad also songs are interesting as you get deep in the movie does it still hold on and be good let sort of music starts picking up and will she get her big break or not is question.

Well have to say last 31 mins was not bad look like she was trying to get on stage maybe they turn her down but she would not give up and try to get on big stage that could take to places she never been too well as she was by the way character name is Jackie well have to say it was ok her brother who I think that is got laid as she singing on stage with song Starstuck and it ended in weird way let say but it was not best movie I say story was little confusing.

While I didn’t mind acting Jo Kennedy was good she got a great voice and must say after watching this it did feel like 80’s with costumes and hairstyle and hair color. By the way, I must say most of the music was pretty good but again the story was confusing. I mean it started off good for the story, but then once she got towards the end, it kind of went down a little bit to me so I had no clue where it was going so did I enjoy it will say yes it was fun watching it but will say interesting could of they end it in a better way thought the ending was silly a little yes but funny.

So will say was this comedy movie or musical both in my view so Is worth checking out full movie Is on YouTube but make sure you put year 1982 if not will come up with tv series and not movie as for now have a good rest of your weekend and sure next Saturday will have another review up.

Starstuck (1982) rating 6/10

Batman 1989 movie review

Last Week I Said I would pick this week movie review it was a battle between flubber and Batman 1989 watched both movie and went with Batman...