it's another film which last 29 mins with great interviews sharing there thoughts on the movie and it also show you how the music and lighting and Technicolor work which was cool pretty neat 29 min behind the scenes and also there was no computers back in 1939 so the effects was amazing now today that stuff you see in the wizard of oz would be computers and CGI I bet I am happy it was made back then and not today or else the effects may of look odd in my view peter Jackson also give you his thoughts on the movie love his work in all lord of rings movies bye the way also when the witch melting there was a trap door under where she went leaving well her witch clothes behind pretty neat if you ask me this was pretty cool 29 min film which I watch the whole thing and like a lot a must see for everybody. well that it for this part but not ended it yet well you give you my thoughts on how I felt when the movie went to technicolor from black and white.
my thoughts on black and white to technicolor for the first time
when I first see it my jaw drop and said wow this was the must greatest part of the movie too the way it went from black and white to all color was cool this indeed was another reason why this movie is indeed a classic movie to me would of love to see the crowd reaction in the theater back then bet there jaws drop too well we came to a end of this review and next Friday will be busy so we will be doing a very special 4th of July edition of the wizard of oz DVD features review next week so thanks for reading and see you next weekend.