Friday, May 13, 2016

popcorn 1991 movie review

it's another and again time for another movie review and this week review is called the movie popcorn which came out in 1991 note spoilers possible below.

A murderer begins killing off teenagers at a horrorthon they have organized in an abandoned theater.

movie thoughts
must say this was not a bad movie can of calm on blood but still scary sort of reminds me of leatherface and Freddy but this guy was very nuts to cover his face he end up going around killing faces and taking there faces and turn them into masks whole this all goes on in a theater that reopen showing a horror movie marathon with 3 movies with effects the whole crowd never see coming what odd at the ending they think this was part of movie when it was not this movie was less scary but there was a few holes in the plot that could of been better but otherwise it was a good movie oh yeah list of movies showed was Mosquito”, “The Incredible Electrified Man”, and “The Stench which was cool too end my thoughts here the title of movie was called popcorn which was can of funny,

final thoughts
indeed a movie worth watching if you are into less scary movies this was a movie I needed after see high scary movies for the last few weeks so if you into movies that are less scary give popcorn movie a try because you might like it '

popcorn rating

7.5 out of 10 for not bad

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