Friday, October 6, 2017

Mirror, Mirror IV: Reflection Movie Review

Well this is it we come to the end of this long 4 weeks Mirror, Mirror movie series been a crazy 4 weeks with this series we had a pretty good scary first one then 2nd lots of Dancing then we all know about bad Part III not even going to go there so now we are down to one last Mirror, Mirror movie number 4 so this is the last one it called Mirror, Mirror IV:  Reflection so let see If I like it or not review starts after Cast list and Story  like I do every week.

release In 2000

Kim Mai Guest as Annika her only movie bye the way.
Paul Emerson as Ian
Mary Kathlenn Gordon as Aunt Mabel
Louis Ortiz as Demon
P,J soles as Annika Mom
Kristian Howard as Chad as Kruztian Kovacs
Casey Mccarthy as Melissa

As a Storm rages, five Desperate people are caught in the mirrors power reveal lost souls, broken dreams second chance and some very strange sexual vengeance.

Movie Review
well started off with a not bad intro there and maid fooling around the mirror yes the mirror is back this time in a factory the maid wished something and it  melted her which was creepy least they try to get back on track after a bad number 3 movie the Mirror unleash something bad monster what unsure but it does kill the boyfriend of a girl in the same building playing dress up with a  tux and dress what kill him is unknown but after a year she still bum about it and has not gone out for a year then she goes to a party and guess what it's the same building where her boyfriend die and mirror still there and now 5 or more people are trap in there with evil mirror and something going around killing people movie was little bit scary not too much but a few scary killing  parts and get this  Billy Drago return in a OK role but still have no clue what he was unit the end don't think he was the same guy from last movie guess he was behind the mirror evil this time unsure.

anyway the one killing everybody was some sort of demon I guess which was kind of let down in my view so women who looking for clues on if her boyfriend is not  dead she makes a wish and mirror takes her to where we are back at start movie where he not dead and well she laying there and both say they love each other and well pretty much there is the end which was not good could of give me more so was this all a dream or something don't know very lame way to end movie series of Mirror, mirror in my view.

alright let total up the goods lets see not bad effects, not too bad of acting cool intro effect and well that pretty much it.

boring last half not much at the end there indeed bad ending could of had a better ending though to this series just not a great movie.

classic or not
no way

Final Thoughts On Mirror,Mirror Series
Well That it First Movie was about the only one out series that was best in my view number 2 lack some but it was ok. 3nd movie bad,bad and the 4th alright but could of had a better ending to the series other then that not the best series that I see they should of left it alone after the first one in my view. well that it for this week as for next Week was going to do Mr. Destiny Movie Review But I have see the New Cult of Chucky and plan on doing that Movie review next week so see you then.

 Mirror, Mirror IV: Reflection Movie rating
4/10 for OK not best though

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