Saturday, October 31, 2020

House II: The Second Story (1987) Movie review

 Director: Ethan Wiley


The new owner of a sinister house gets involved with Reanimated corpses and Demons searching for a ancient Aztec skull with magic Powers.


Arye Gross as Jesse

Jonathan Stark as Charlie

Royal Dano as Gramps

Bill Maher as John

Movie Review

After a great first House movie does House 2 live up to as first one as good as it was will have to say it was very good but writing more comedy this time first movie did have some of that but more Horror this one started off more comedy liked does get creepy though the 15 mins of movie as they dig up the guy great great grandfather for Aztec Skull with magic powers he did warn them that evil spirits pretty much you have to wait longer to find out meaning of scary in this one and what can of powers this Skull does.

Seem like this movie turn into battle of who gets the magic skull plot is indeed more Strange then first movie was but this one was good though like how this does feature a old magic skull every evil Spirit is trying to get each part of house is a gate to a Different Universe my guess skull does that for magic powers last 20 mins turns into Western movie type so I wonder how is this movie going to end in a good way or not good ending well it was good battle at end where monster who killed his mom and dad was good a fight nothing huge though but good this movie didn’t have a lot of scare moments either but effects were good though from start to end it was overall a good movie I say.


In this one Bill Maher was in it he look so young in this his acting was ok but didn’t have a big part though thought the rest of acting was can of chessy though but not the worst.

Well good movie but plot could of told me more about this skull guess it magic skull that opens door to other Universes that all I see and that ending movie was ok didn’t give you much for Number 3 though this one was not like first 1 though it was more scary this one did have some horror but it was more of comedy from what I see which is not bad wish it had a little more but this one indeed worth checking out I say if you like the first movie.

I give this movie out of 10/10 rating a 6/10 for very good

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