Sunday, December 11, 2022

Girl crazy (1943) Movie Review

 Starring…………… Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney and Gil Stratton

Directors……………. Norman Taurog and Busby Berkeley


A philandering young playboy is sent to college somewhere in America West, and organizes a show, together with his sweetheart, to save college from closure due to falling enrollments.

Warning spoilers ahead

My Review

Another week and more reviews of Judy garland and Mickey Rooney movies this review Is of girl crazy from 1943 god bless both of them and may they rest in peace.

This is my first time watching this movie as well which is why I am excited to watch 2 of beat for a movie so let get started shell we. In this one Mickey character seem like a playboy type because he surrounded by women in opening moments of movie with great music as well they seem to be all over him in a funny way then he gets sent to college but it is 8 miles better get walking while walking he see a car broken down and someone is working on car her name is ginger aka Judy Garland when she finds out his name she started laughing funny and he gets mail car fixed she leaves him so back to walking he does make it college but seems like a joke riding a horse and wagon wheel falling off seem like bad luck there for Danny that for sure for some reason ginger can’t stop laughing at him there was funny moment between where he stay to get her to like him but in song she tells him off again was funny but words on that song did fit in well there that for sure good comedy there.

Then we go to a movie scene where it her birthday and guests are all guys look like ginger trying to find the right guy on her birthday as well Henry was lucky guy but he asked her to marry her which was big mistake right another corner was Danny and her ginger talk and started to get along slowy build there well bad news come later is college is closing Judy garland acting for crying is very good every time I see her tear up almost like real tears there great acting and when she laugh she is funny too that there proves how great acting there too me well to save the college they are going to put on a musical show this sort of remind me of babes in arms some.

So you got to wonder if this works out and ginger and Danny wind up with each other well musical show does go they crown a new queen

It did not go well with ginger and Danny but final 10 mins again was some of Judy and Mickey best in a musical show that for sure wow what a way to end this classic movie with them looking at camera even I clap 👏 at the end.

For last 2 weeks I see some of greats from Judy and Mickey and have to say again this was indeed another one of there best movies that I see watch this If you have not it will indeed entertain you in a musical way a very great movie girl crazy was and see you next week for link only review from both Judy garland Mickey for now have a good rest of your weekend.

I give girl crazy a rating of 8/10

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