Saturday, March 8, 2025

Alice in wonderland (1931) movie Review

Starring………..Ruth Gilbert, Ralph Hertz and Lillian Ardell

Director……… Bud Pollard


A young girl named Alice falls down a rabbit- hole and wanders into the strange world of Wonderland.

Warning spoilers ahead

My review

After watching this one is very very dark characters look scary almost like this horror version of Alice in wonderland because costumes look that way too me this doesn’t seem kid friendly also this Alice seem can of rude also camera angles are creepy as well soundtrack is ok some.

Same story but soon as started I wanted to see how this play out and first few mins find it creepy this only 53 mins long short version of Alice story in movies.

Also the Cheshire Cat is played by a human not a cat figure this was 1931 way before CgI came into play so back then they didn’t have it I did find it a little bit scary actor playing him sounds bad as well after that mad hatter is even creepy too me think they should of got better actors for this from what I see in this one again they sound creepy trust me don’t think there be any best characters for this one that for sure.

After 20 mins there is no Alice shrinking or eating cake that cause her to grow tall they could least added that for sure maybe they still will be not sure.

After 25 mins I just laugh at this because characters in this version is bad but queen of hearts doesn’t sound too creepy but white rabbit is bad his mask is ugly and this could give kids nightmares in my view.

Just happy this last only 53 mins because again acting not best and also this one sounds creepy like a horror movie version of Alice yes that what 53 mins viewing felt like happy did not go pass a hour but will say this was 1931 when this was released so who knows what limits they can only do for movies back then so not going to say it worst but not best as well that for sure from what I see little bit boring nothing to get excited about at all but if you do want to watch it is on YouTube under title Alice in worderland (1931) trust me your not missing much though for me hopefully next one is better then this or could worst hope not anyway that all for night need to get some sleep after this so have a good rest of your night or morning.

Alice in wonderland (1931) rating 5/10

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