Friday, April 7, 2017

The Psychic 1991 Movie Review

welcome to another friday Movie Review and this week Review Will be The Psychic from year 1991 which it came out in that year starring Zach Galligan and  Catherine Mary Stewart note spoilers is possible below.

Patrick Costello (Zach Galligan has dreams and daydreams of women being killed that come true who is the  serial killer and can he stop him and save the one he fall in love with  Laurel Young (Catherine Mary Stewart) in time before she next to be killed.

note. that was made up but it as close as it gets too this movie trust me.

Movie thoughts
well after watching it from start to the end it was not a bad movie but there was a lot of things did not like though out the movie when women were being killed he could see the person behind it early they should of keep from us unit later in movie like who was behind it so pretty much he keep on see women being killed in his dreams though the whole movie that was pretty much it too me nothing good you just seat there and waiting and didn't  get much unit the end though not a bad fight there but went too quick well least 1 thing we know who killer was I would love some sort of twist at the end though also the movie ended with no cops at the end after what happen so that odd anyway plot had way too many holes in it could been better if it did not having holes in it in my view the only thing that was great in was acting bye Zach Galligan and  Catherine Mary Stewart yes they did great in this I been of fan of both of them for  years Zach Galligan since Gremlins and Catherine Mary Stewart like her movies as well for years if they was not in would be total crap in my view well that pretty much it for what I got to say about this one.

Final thoughts
sorry to make it short but this one didn't have much but least the acting was great could of been a movie I enjoy but didn't a lot.

The Psychic 1991 rating
5.3 out 10 for great acting only

Psychic Trailer

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