Tuesday, October 30, 2018

House on Haunted Hill (1959) Movie Review

next hour on this Two day Movies Reviews event features the First House on Haunted Hill from the year 1959.

Rated Not Rated

A millionaire offers $10,000 to five people who agree to be locked in a large, spooky, rented house overnight with him and his wife.

Vincent Price as Frederick Loren
Carol Ohmart as Annabelle Loren
Richard Long as Lance Schroeder
Alan Marshal as Dr. David Trent

Movie review
this was the first House on Haunted Hill movie it was made back in 1959 so it would not be a lot of gore it was fun though like your going what guests are going though like the movie it same plot almost as 1999 A millionaire offers them a lot of cash to stay a creepy rented Haunted house this time the Millionaire was none other then Vincent price who played the Millionaire which is a great choice for a great Horror movie the movie does have a creepy start with  screaming hear in the back then heads of people come on started to talk about the house most scary intro I see but also well done it sends chills down your spine some to start and let you know what ahead.

House on Haunted Hill does have less body count deaths but still enough in my view it is still scary because you have a glowing skeleton "emerged from the screen" and flew out over the audience on a wire the cinematic devices (everything from disembodied heads, irises, and jump-cuts  are very appealing, and the sound track (which sounds like a mix of piano bass keyes, synthesizer, and soprano vocals) is what made this movie it great for a 1959 movie the ending was pretty good as well to close out a great horror movie.

was it better then 1999 version
well if you like less gory and less blood I say yes but if you like more gore and blood watch 1999 one for that but I do have to say this one is better then both though.

not bad Acting for this one which made it Great Vincent Price best yet in this one so no problem at all with the Acting in this one.

Closing thoughts
House on Haunted Hill (1959) after watching is a fun campy Horror movie for a 1950's movie if you like less gore and blood this one will fit you well I enjoy it and will remember it for years to come as a classic.

 House on Haunted Hill (1959) rating
8.0  out of 10 for classic

House on Haunted Hill (1959) trailer

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