Friday, October 19, 2018

The Stuff (1985) Movie Review

Another Friday and another scary or not Movie Review and this one is odd one called The Stuff from year 1985.

Rated R

A Private detective investigates a new consumer taste treat that's absolutely delicious and just lethal.

Michael Moriarty as David Mo Rutherford
Andrea Marcovicci as Nicole
Garrett Morris as Chocolate Chip Charlie
Paul Sorvino as Colonel Malcolm Grommett

Movie Review
The Stuff is a very Weird movie from what I see like attack of giant cream, Yogurt or Ice Cream that takes you over once you eat you start craving for more and also cause you too attack people as well this one was not scary a lot some though in my view it remind me of the movie blob this one was funny some as well there was some blood but lots of white stuff like shaving cream it was a pretty odd movie from start to end for a plot but it was a ok movie not top horror movie though.

Scary or not
there is a few parts of movie that was scary but the most scary part and only part is near the end  Charlie Explodes and white stuff comes out his mouth it was very gross and scary that was pretty much it for top scary for the movie that scare me some.

Acting was not much better but not worst I see though.

Final Thoughts
Should of been named Attack of Giant Yogurt or Attacked of Giant Ice cream because it was pretty much B-rated Horror movie mixed with comedy some this was a ok movie but won't be on my Favorite anytime down the line still this movie does fit in well for Halloween season after this years later we get another remake of the blob which again this sort of seems like style of a movie and also guy in the first few mins of the movie finds this white stuff on ground and eats it and like it so with no testing he ends up sale the stuff which turn out to be a bad idea the Stuff never did say where it came from space unsure in closing have to say again this was a ok movie.

 The Stuff (1985) rating
6.0 out of 10 for ok.

The Stuff (1985) Trailer

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